Archive for April, 2009


Welcome to my little part of the ocean

April 5, 2009

This is where you can find all manner of things from and about the Freshwater Mermaid. There aren’t many corners or categories I easily fit into, instead I just flit between whichever ones I fancy at any given time. My good friend the Urban Ichthyosapien is far more in touch with her rage and articulate passion than I am, so it isn’t uncommon for me to turn to her for a point well made. Like my friend Julia, I’m in awe of great thinkers who aren’t afraid to turn their gooey brains to big, giant thoughts, thoughts so big the only way to think them is to make your own mind bigger.

I can’t offer a particular direction or theme for this underwater space nor can I predict at what rate it will expand. But it will be fun, at least for me.